Archive | January, 2015
N. D. Wilson-2

What should truth and morality look like in children’s stories?

Starting again with G. K. Chesterton: “If the characters are not wicked, the book is.”


We still live in the shadow of the enormous cultural change that Chesterton wrote about almost exactly one hundred years ago.  While his

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Andi Ashworth

Cultivating creativity in children…

As with many things, G. K. Chesterton got it right on raising young children.  They require being “taught not so much anything as everything.”  Instead of specializing—instead of being taught what Chesterton called a “trade”—they need “to be

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Blaise Pascal--Groothuis

Our spiritual poverty and the hidden God …

Why is God so often silent, so often hidden?  This question, frequently voiced in cries of anguish and despair, has been uttered by numerous believers down through the centuries.


It was recorded in the oldest book in the

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True Paradox--Blog 2

How an atheist helped write a book on Christian apologetics…

The New York Times is an unlikely place for a favorable review of a book on apologetics by an Evangelical Christian.  Actually, it’s the apologist and his atheist friend who are reviewed, rather than the book.


David Skeel

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