August 8, 2007
“Our technology is
ahead of our morals...”
Death and Dying: When Is
It Time to Let Go?
“A terminal leukemia patient
must have daily blood transfusions or die. A family begs doctors to do
everything possible to keep their elderly mother alive.
“Parents cannot accept their
newborn baby will not survive.
“End-of-life issues top the
list of ethical dilemmas hospitals face as medical progress enables
doctors to extend an endangered life to the hard-to-determine point
where they may actually only be dragging out death.
“Private dramas like these
play out in hospitals every day, rarely hitting the headlines as did the
family feud over ending life support for Terri Schiavo in the United
States in 2005, or a British couple’s fight to save their severely
handicapped baby Charlotte Wyatt in 2003, when doctors wanted to give up
on her.
“These patients used to just
die naturally, but now it might be doctors, hospital ethics committees
or courts that decide if and when to let them. The more science
discovers, especially about the brain, the harder it can get to make
that decision....”
CNN/Reuters – July 31, 2007 |
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Continuing questions of safety and
Plan B Use Surges, And So
Does Controversy
by Rob Stein

Last August,
federal regulators approved the over-the-counter sale of the
emergency contraceptive Plan B to women 18 and older.
(Women’s Capital Corp.)
“The popularity of the
morning-after pill Plan B has surged in the year since the federal
government approved the sale of the controversial emergency
contraceptive without a prescription.
“Plan B sales have doubled
since the Food and Drug Administration authorized the switch for women
18 and older last August, rising from about $40 million a year to what
will probably be close to $80 million for 2007, according to Barr
Pharmaceuticals, which makes Plan B.
“The sharp rise was hailed
by women’s health and family-planning advocates, who say it illustrates
the value of easing access to birth control to help prevent unwanted
“‘This is very concerning,’
said Charmaine Yoest of the Family Research Council, which is among
several groups suing the FDA to reverse the decision. ‘We think this is
putting women’s health at risk.’
“Plan B consists of higher
doses of the hormones found in standard birth control pills. Taken
within 72 hours of unprotected sex, Plan B has been shown to be highly
effective at preventing pregnancies....”
The Washington Post – July 13, 2007 (free registration required)
“No doctors should be required to
perform procedures that violate their religious faith...”
Some Doctors Refuse Services for Religious Reasons
“Doctors are becoming more
assertive in refusing to treat patients for religious reasons, expanding
the list of services they won’t provide beyond abortion to include
artificial insemination, use of fetal tissues and even prescribing
“The shift is prompting a
new round of debate in courts and state legislatures over the balance
between protecting the constitutional right to religious freedom and
laws prohibiting discrimination.
“More than half the states
in the past two years have debated expanding legal protections for
health care providers, including pharmacists who refuse to fill
prescriptions for the ‘morning after’ pill. Two states have passed
USA TODAY – August 3, 2007
The ongoing battle over the rights of
health care workers...
Federal Judge Allows Pharmacist’s Suit
Faced discipline for refusing to fill Plan B prescription
“A federal judge said this
week that Illinois pharmacists have a right to refuse to dispense
emergency contraception on moral grounds.
“But U.S. District Judge
Jeanne Scott’s statement Tuesday isn’t her final ruling in the case of a
former Beardstown pharmacist fighting the discipline Wal-Mart gave him
last year for refusing to fill a prescription for the so-called
‘morning-after’ pill.
“And the legal opinion in Ethan Vandersand’s
civil rights lawsuit against the retail giant apparently won’t affect a
state law requiring pharmacies to dispense emergency contraception.
“Gov. Rod Blagojevich issued a rule in 2005
requiring pharmacies to dispense the medicine, which is up to 90 percent
effective if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex....”
The State Journal-Register – August 03, 2007
Another setback for gene therapy...
Gene Therapy Patient
Dies, Trial Shut Down
“The government has
suspended a Seattle company’s gene therapy study—and is reviewing the
safety of 28 others around the country—after learning that a patient
died this week.
“The Food and Drug
Administration didn’t reveal the cause of death or any details about the
patient, who had enrolled in a study of gene therapy for advanced
arthritis. The agency said it was investigating what role, if any,
therapy played in the death, which occurred Tuesday.
“It marks the third blow
since 1999 to the field of gene therapy, as scientists struggle to
determine if the viruses they use to deliver new genes may themselves
cause serious trouble.
“Twenty-eight other
gene therapy
studies have been reported to the FDA that used, or are using, the same
virus, called adeno-associated virus or AAV....”
The Associated Press/CNN – July 26, 2007
Rethinking some elective surgeries...
Operations You Don’t Want to Get – and What to Do Instead
by Curt

Surgery is a trauma, regardless of the surgeon’s skills.
“Maybe I’m
the wrong ex-patient to be telling you this: Experimental surgery erased
Stage III colon cancer from my shell-shocked body six years ago. But
even I’ve got to admit that all is not well in America’s operating
rooms: At least 12,000 Americans die each year from unnecessary surgery,
according to a Journal of the American Medical Association
report. And tens of thousands more suffer complications.
“The fact
is, no matter how talented the surgeon, the body doesn’t much care about
the doc’s credentials. Surgery is a trauma, and the body responds as
such – with major blood loss and swelling, and all manner of nerve and
pain signals that can stick around sometimes for months.
“Those are
but a few reasons to try to minimize elective surgery. And I found even
more after talking with more than 25 experts involved in various aspects
of surgery and surgical care, and after reviewing a half-dozen
governmental and medical think tank reports on surgery in the United
States. Here’s what you need to know about five surgeries that are
overused and alternative solutions that may be worth a look....”
CNN – July 27, 2007
The prosecution: drugs were
prescribed “to accelerate Mr. Navarro’s death in order to recover his
Surgeon Charged in Death for Organs
S. F. doctor could get up
to 8 years if convicted
“A surgeon was
charged Monday with prescribing excessive drugs to a comatose disabled
patient to hasten his death and harvest his organs for transplantation.
“Prosecutors in San
Luis Obispo County said Dr. Hootan Roozrokh, 33, of San Francisco gave a
harmful drug and prescribed excessive doses of morphine and a sedative
to 26-year-old Ruben Navarro, who was born with a metabolic disorder.
Navarro died in 2006.
“Navarro was taken in a coma to Sierra Vista
Regional Medical Center, 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles, in 2006
after suffering respiratory and cardiac arrest. Although Navarro was
diagnosed with irreversible brain damage and kept on a respirator, he
was not considered brain dead because he still had limited brain
Press/San Jose Mercury News – July 31, 2007
The morality of the human body parts
business: “It is cheaper and your next of kin is not taking the risk and
you don’t have to care for someone you don’t know....”
High Demand Fuels Global
Body Parts Trade
International groups call
for crackdown on ‘transplant tourism’
“Paul Lee got his liver from
an executed Chinese prisoner; Karam in Egypt bought a kidney for his
sister for $5,300; in Istanbul, Hakan is holding out for $30,700 for one
of his kidneys.
“They are not so unusual: A
dire shortage of donated organs in rich countries is sending foreigners
with end-stage illnesses to poorer places like China, Pakistan, Turkey,
Egypt, Colombia and the Philippines to buy a new lease on life.
“Lee, a 53-year-old chief
subway technician in Hong Kong, was diagnosed with
liver cancer
in January 2005, but doctors denied him a transplant because they feared
the tumor would spread.
“A friend told him about a
transplant hospital in China’s northeastern Tianjin city and he signed
up for a place. That April, he paid 260,000 yuan ($34,380) for a
transplant—surgery that saved his life.
“‘The hospital has
connections with a lot of prisons,’ Lee told Reuters. ‘Mine came from an
executed prisoner from Heilongjiang. I thank the donor deeply....’”
MSNBC/Reuters – August 6, 2007
Reflections on the morality of reducing
the human body to “materials to be transformed at will...”
Is the Body Property?
by Peter Augustine Lawler
“...Eric Cohen argues that
‘the new commerce of the body’ challenges us with an unprecedented
‘moral crisis.’ The case for the crisis goes something like this: The
great founders of modern capitalism and modern liberalism did not
actually intend that the free market’s principles of contract and
consent transform every feature of human life. But it is increasingly
clear that we may be in the middle of just such a transformation.
“What Cohen calls the new
spirit of capitalism is really just the triumph of libertarianism, and
in America today creeping libertarianism is starting to get pretty
creepy. The sophisticated American that David Brooks called the
‘bourgeois bohemian’ seeks to reconcile personal responsibility or
prudent self-restraint with the pursuit of personal fulfillment. But our
trend toward the reduction of morality to contract and consent has also
caused us to regard ourselves—our very bodies and souls (or ‘moods’)—as
materials to be transformed at will, both in the self’s relentless quest
for satisfaction and in the pragmatic drive to be useful and pleasing to
“There are two reasons for
the growing pressure to repeal the prohibition against the buying and
selling of kidneys from living donors. The first is human need. The
number of people on the waiting list for kidneys is increasing rapidly,
much more rapidly than the number of kidneys conceivably available from
cadavers or as uncompensated gifts from live donors....
“The second reason for the
anti-prohibitionist pressure concerning the kidney market is the
creeping libertarianism that characterizes our society as a whole. As we
understand ourselves with ever greater consistency as free individuals
and nothing more, it becomes less clear why an individual’s kidneys
aren’t his property to dispose of as he pleases....”
The New
Atlantis – Fall 2006
A potential treatment for a
group of patients who “are really, in many ways, forgotten about...”
Device Wakes Man with Severe Brain Injuries
“A man with severe
brain injuries who spent six years in a near-vegetative state can now
chew his food, watch a movie and talk with family thanks to a brain
pacemaker that may change the way such patients are treated, U.S.
researchers said on Wednesday.
“The 38-year-old man
is the first person in a minimally conscious state to be treated with
deep-brain stimulation, a treatment that uses a pacemaker and two
electrodes to send impulses into a part of the brain regulating
“His awakening may change the way doctors
think about people with severe brain injuries, who are largely
unresponsive but still have some level of consciousness. These patients
typically spend the rest of their lives in nursing homes, with little
efforts at rehabilitation and slim chance of recovery....”
Scientific American/Reuters – August 01, 2007
“There are now between 60 million and 100
million ‘missing girls’ worldwide...”
The False Choice Between
Development and Daughters
Susan Yoshihara
“Right now, in almost any
corner of the world, a baby girl is being killed just because she is a
girl. Her mother may be rich or poor, educated or uneducated. One thing
is certain: She is not alone. She is part of a growing global trend of
sex selective abortion and infanticide that favors sons and proves
deadly for daughters. The practice, once thought to be unique to China
and India, is catching on in Central Asia, Latin America, and the rest
of the world. In an era when girls can rightly aspire to unprecedented
status alongside their brothers, why are more parents choosing not to
let them live?
“Even the controversial
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which promotes fertility decline
and abortion, estimates there are now between 60 million and 100 million
‘missing girls’ worldwide. What is missing from the analysis, however,
is acknowledgment that international institutions like UNFPA, created
after World War II to foster development, are key drivers of the
unfolding tragedy through their promotion of fertility decline as a
prerequisite for human development, and fertility control as an
international human right.
“This fact should give us
pause the next time we hear a U.N. official tell us that the advancement
of women is a top priority....”
On the Square,
the blog of First Things – Wednesday, August 1, 2007
For an in-depth analysis of
the worldwide impact of sex selection, see “The
Global War Against Baby Girls,” a speech
delivered by Nicholas Eberstadt to the
United Nations General Assembly Third
Committee in December 2006.
Worth considering...
From Ethics
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Defiant striving for
earthly eternities goes together with a careless playing with life,
anxious affirmation of life with an indifferent contempt for life.
Nothing betrays the idolization of death more clearly than when an era
claims to build for eternity, and yet life in that era is worth nothing,
when big words are spoken about a new humanity, a new world, a new
society that will be created, and all this newness consists only in the
annihilation of existing life.... Life that makes itself absolute, that
makes itself its own goal, destroys itself. Vitalism ends inevitably in
nihilism.... [The] absolutizing of life as an end in itself...destroys
life.... We call this error the mechanization of life. Here the
individual is understood only in terms of its use to an all-controlling
institution, organization, or idea.”
These excerpts are from
“Ethics as Formation” and “Natural Life” in the Fortress Press edition
of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics (pp. 91, 178-179). |
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