September 30, 2008
“A right to choose, has rapidly become no
right to live...”
People with Dementia Have a Duty to Die and Should Be Pushed Towards
Death, Says Baroness Warnock
by Steve

Baroness Warnock: She has come under fire from pro-life
groups. |
people with dementia are ‘wasting’ the lives of those who have to care
for them, one of the country’s most influential experts on medical
ethics said yesterday.
Warnock said that for the old and sick who are contemplating dying,
‘there is nothing wrong with feeling you ought to do so’.
“Her remarks
in an interview with a church journal were the first public suggestion
from any expert with close links to Whitehall that euthanasia should not
only be legal but that elderly people should be pressed towards death.
Warnock said: ‘If you are demented, you are wasting people’s lives, your
family’s lives, and you are wasting the resources of the National Health
“Her remarks
were condemned as ‘shocking ignorance’ and ‘barbaric’ by Alzheimer’s
Mail Online – September 20, 2008
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the rapidly changing developments in biotechnology
and the related area of bioethics. For more
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Mark your calendar...
“Who Controls Your DNA? Biobanking, Privacy, and
Lecture by C.
Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.
Who controls your DNA? Who
has access to very sensitive information about your health? DNA
databanks enable police to positively identify criminals, but should
genetic information of innocent people be stored in large public
The ethical and legal issues
related to the procurement, use, and storage of human tissue samples are
increasingly receiving attention. This talk will focus on informed
consent, privacy, and access to information. Public attitudes and policy
options will also be explored.
10:00 A.M. on November 1,
Williamson County Public
1314 Columbia Ave.
Franklin, Tennessee (a
suburb of Nashville)
The lecture, followed by Q &
A, is open to the public. Morning refreshments will be served.
There is no charge for the
lecture, but reservations are strongly recommended.
To reserve your place,
contact the Tennessee CBC
Sponsored by The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture, Dr. D. Joy
Riley, Director
“The AMA is not ... opposed to having
people go overseas to get medical care...”
Workers to Go Abroad for Health Care
by M. P.
Americans are starting to see some unusual options in their
health-provider networks: doctors and hospitals in Singapore, Costa Rica
and other foreign destinations.
“In an
effort to control rising costs, a small but growing number of insurers
and employers are giving people the choice to seek treatment in other
countries, a practice known as medical tourism. Until recently, most
Americans who traveled abroad for medical care were uninsured, or were
seeking procedures not covered by insurance, such as cosmetic dentistry
or aesthetic surgery. Now, a handful of plans are beginning to cover
treatment overseas for heart surgery, hip and knee replacements and
other major surgical procedures.
medical tourism isn’t expected to be a solution to the country’s soaring
health-care costs, the practice is intended to produce savings for
insurers, employers and workers. Open-heart surgery, which can cost
roughly $100,000 in the U.S., can be done at an internationally
accredited hospital in India for just $8,500, for instance. Proponents
note that many international hospitals are staffed with American and
European-trained physicians....
the qualifications of doctors and hospitals abroad, some U.S. health
practitioners remain concerned about such issues as the safety of blood
supplies for transfusions and tissue for bone grafts....”
The Wall Street Journal – September 30, 2008
A small trial with remarkable results...
Gene Therapy Restores
“With the help of gene therapy, two people who once were blind now can
“The individuals – their identities remain confidential – are
participants in an early-stage clinical trial of gene therapy for
Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, a rare and untreatable form of congenital
“Though the trial was designed to test the therapy’s safety rather than
its efficacy, its benefits were so impressive that the researchers
decided to publicize their results.
“‘One of the patients said that the dim red light from his alarm clock
had gotten so bright that it bothered him,’ said Artur Cideciyan, a
University of Pennsylvania opthamologist and co-author of the study. ‘He
had to turn away from it while he was sleeping.’...” – September 22, 2008
Reducing morality to chemistry...
Gandhi Pills?
Psychiatrist Argues for Moral Performance Enhancers
by Alexis Madrigal
“Could the right drug make
you a better person?
“A British psychiatrist
raises and argues for that possibility in
a new paper in a prominent psychiatry journal. In fact, he says that
in many clinical settings, moral steroids are already being used.
“‘Within many clinical
encounters, there may already be a subtle form of moral assistance going
on, albeit one we do not choose to describe in these terms,’ writes
Sean Spence of the University of Sheffield in the British
Journal of Psychiatry.
“Performance-enhancing drugs
are generally used to enhance performance in competitive settings, like
sports. On Wired Science, we’ve spent a lot of time looking at ways to
increase cognitive performance. But what Spence suggests is that science
should be searching for drugs to make people more ‘humane’ not just
smarter....” – September 09, 2008
Ramping up the battle against physician
assisted suicide in Washington state...
Initiative 1000 Opponents
Debut Actor Martin Sheen in Commercials
“Today, the Coalition
Against Assisted Suicide announced it has started a $750,000 broadcast
advertising campaign, featuring actor Martin Sheen. Sheen agreed to help
publicize the dangers of Initiative 1000, the assisted suicide measure
on the November ballot in Washington State.
“‘Martin Sheen is an
outstanding actor and a person of impeccable integrity. His tireless
efforts to help low income people across the country and his concern for
vulnerable populations have earned him the reputation of a man who is
compassionate and walks his talk,’ said Coalition Chair, Chris Carlson.
‘We are happy to add his distinguished voice to the growing chorus of
people opposed to assisted suicide being legalized in Washington....’
“‘Assisted suicide and a
for-profit health care system are a lethal mixture,’ Carlson said. ‘As a
society, we should be focusing more on creating safe harbors for people
truly in need at the end of their life, not providing quick fixes like
suicide.’ He added, ‘In Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal, some
cancer patients have already been denied treatment and steered towards
assisted suicide.’
“‘The proponents have often
suggested that assisted suicide is favored by good Democrats, liberals
and progressives but that’s just not the case,’ Carlson said. ‘I’m a
Democrat, Martin Sheen is a Democrat, and many people opposed to I-1000
are progressives — and that’s why we’re opposed; we don’t want
vulnerable people harmed, nor do we believe doctors should be asked to
encourage people to end their lives prematurely.’...”
Against Assisted Suicide – September 29, 2008
A list of really hard bioethical
questions that are being ignored...
Life and Death
by Nancy Gibbs

Craig Litten / AP; Obama: Ethan Miller / Getty |
“Imagine if the presidential
candidates were willing to talk frankly about the things that affect us
most: not just guns and butter, but also life and death and the hard
choices our next President will have to help us make. It would be a
revealing debate, with questions like these:
“For Barack Obama: Democrats
have long argued for greater reproductive freedom. Do you think that
should include the right to choose the sex of your child? The same
genetic tests that screen for terrible diseases could in theory target
many other predispositions. What if prospective parents could screen for
short or shy or gay or blond? This is a largely unregulated universe of
treatment; should it be?
“For John McCain: About
8,000 people may die this year waiting for organ transplants. Do you
think the free market should include kidneys? You’ve said human rights
begin at conception. But fertility clinics create excess embryos that
are frozen and often discarded, which you’ve favored using for research.
So are some embryos more equal than others?
“And for both: Would you
forcibly quarantine people during a pandemic? Should police at a crime
scene be allowed to ask everyone in the area for a DNA sample?
Scientists around the world are building robots with real brain tissue;
inserting a fish gene for cold tolerance into tomatoes; breeding
bacteria that can eat oil spills. Should we be worried that we often
learn what is happening in the labs only when the results come out of
Time – September 18, 2008
“The ethical handwriting is on the wall.
Disclosure is coming...”
Drugmaker to Disclose
Payments to Doctors
“In an industry first, Eli Lilly and Co. said it will begin disclosing
how much money it paid to individual doctors nationally for advice,
speeches and other services.
“The drug company’s move comes as members of Congress push a disclosure
bill in an effort to prevent such payments from improperly influencing
medical decisions.
“Beginning next year, Eli
Lilly will disclose payments of more than $500 to doctors for their
roles as advisers and for speaking at educational seminars. In later
years, the company will expand the types of payments disclosed to
include such things as travel, entertainment and gifts.
“Some have voiced concerns
that doctors are influenced by these payments in their treatment
decisions. Although most physicians believe that free lunches or trips
have no effect on their medical judgment, research has shown that these
types of payments can affect how people act....” – September 24, 2008
Pfizer joins the move to adult stem cell
Drug Company Gets Into
Stem Cell Research
“Pfizer, the world’s largest
drug company, is getting into stem cell research to explore the
potential of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (where ordinary cells
like those taken from adult skin are coaxed into behaving like embryonic
stem cells).
“‘These cells will be
tremendous in drug discovery,’ said John McNeish, executive director of
Pfizer’s global research and development arm in an interview reported by
“Pfizer hope to build up a
team of 50 to 60 scientists specializing in stem cell research, working
to develop new stem cell therapies. They will collaborate with academics
and the smaller biotech companies, which to date have led the field....”
News Today – September 25, 2008
Worth considering...
The War on Virtue
by Patrick Deneen
disconnecting culture from nature and regarding nature as an enemy to be
conquered, we have, above all, disconnected ourselves from the most
important aspect of culture: the inexorable lessons of the limits of
human power and the pitfalls of human efforts at mastery. Every culture
in some way teaches this same fundamental lesson: to respect what we did
not create, to revere the mysterious and unknown, to be bound by the
limits of nature and to be cognizant of the perpetual flaws of the human
creature. As [Wendell] Berry has written in a recent essay entitled
‘Faustian Economics,’ ‘every cultural and religious tradition that I
know about, while fully acknowledging our animal nature, defines us
specifically as humans—that
is, as animals (if the word still applies) capable of living not only
within natural limits, but also within cultural limits, self-imposed.’
In our own tradition, whether inscribed in the ancient Greek teachings
against hubris—like the tale of Icarus flying too close to the sun—or
the Biblical warnings against pride—such as the effort to build a tower
to heaven—culture has historically been a force of profound resistance
against the human tendency to act slavishly on behalf our limitless
desires. By contrast, the overarching teaching of our culture—such as it
is—is the mindless mantra ‘Just do it.’
“But as
Berry argues in his essay ‘Two Economies,’ good culture not only teaches
what to do, but also advises us what not to do and how not to act, ‘by
forbearance or self-restraint, [by] sympathy or generosity.’ Part of
that forbearance or sympathy derives from one of the most important
legacies of culture—an enlarged sense of time that long predates our
births and stretches out vastly past the point of our deaths. We
forbear, in part, because of our forebears—because of the living
presence of our ancestors in our land and our memories. We are aware of
the similar sacrifices made by those who came before us in ensuring us a
good place, good land, and a good community, and we seek to ensure
conditions as good if not better for our children and theirs after them.
“Living as
we do in what Berry calls ‘a dimensionless present,’ we diminish our
relationship to the past and the future alike, and in turn justify
actions that pretend as if neither has any relevance to who we are and
what we do. As Berry observes, we are prone to commit deeds ‘that we may
call use, but that the future will “theft.”’ In our relentless use of
the bounty of the earth, our civilizational reliance on nonrenewable and
hugely polluting sources of energy, our insatiable willingness to
accumulate debt that will be handed over to future generations, our
unwillingness to account for the true costs of all those ‘cheap’
products that we celebrate as the bounty of ‘globalization,’ we reflect
the reality of a society that knows little or nothing of our ancestors
and owes no allegiance to children many are electing no longer to
“The War on Virtue” is
part of a longer essay, “Technology, Culture, and Virtue,” published in
the Summer 2008 issue of The New Atlantis.
J. Deneen is an associate professor of government at Georgetown
University, where he holds the Markos and Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis
Chair in Hellenic Studies. He is also the director of the Tocqueville
Forum on the Roots of American Democracy. “Technology, Culture,
and Virtue”is available
online. |
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