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Dorothy Sayers

Creed or chaos?

Ours is an age of anxiety—a time of uncertainty when the fundamental nature of our society is being contested.  The term “culture wars” is often used to describe some of the more prominent flash points.   A woman’s right

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Kapic-Little Book-2

On refusing to divorce theology from everyday life…

Theology, of late years, has been having what is known as ‘a bad press.’  We’re told that theology is dry and academic.  People prefer spirituality to religion.  Doctrine is dull.  Or in the words of one

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The Humanitas Forum – Why and how to study theology…

“Whenever we think or hear or read or say anything about God, we are doing theology.” In this talk, Dr. Kelly Kapic will lead us in a discussion of what theology is and why it matters.  Not only concerned

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The Humanitas Forum – The Humanizing Spirit

The title of one of Friedrich Nietzsche’s books complains that we are “human, all too human.” Interestingly enough, on this score Christians often agree with the great atheist philosopher. We feel that if we weren’t so “human” we could be

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Center Church

Rethinking gospel ministry for a secular age…

How do you build a thriving church in one of the most secular metropolitan centers of the world, New York City?  Does it require programs and techniques that appeal to postmodern young adults?  Does it require a certain

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C. S. Lewis

There are no ordinary people…

[T]he cross comes before the crown and tomorrow is a Monday morning. A cleft has opened in the pitiless walls of the world, and we are invited to follow our great Captain inside. The following Him is, of course, the

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Lab-grown organs, ethics, and immortality (2) …

It’s a temptation—a big temptation!  Success in growing and transplanting lab-grown organs is so revolutionary that it’s tempting to look at the immediate results without asking any of the larger questions. 


As we saw in the previous

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Why does God become insignificant?

Why are there so many who can assent to the essentials of the Christian faith and yet live as if they had never heard the gospel?  Undoubtedly there are many reasons.  But this much can be said with

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J. C. Ryle

The danger of living in the fog of indecision…

The times require distinct and decided views of Christian doctrine. I cannot withhold my conviction that the professing Church is as much damaged by laxity and indistinctness about matters of doctrine within, as it is by skeptics and unbelievers without.

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Revenge-J. Bud

The danger in denying what we can’t not know…

“Things are getting worse very quickly now. The list of what we are required to approve is growing ever longer. … So why do things get worse so fast? It would be well to know, in case the process can

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