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Martin Luther

A theology primer: the priesthood of all believers…

If the priesthood of all believers was a “cardinal principle of the Reformation” in the 16th century, where has it gone?


The short answer is that it was a “cardinal principle” in principle only.  The priesthood of all

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The age of the martyrs is upon us…

Why are Christians silent?  Why does the Church fail to speak out about the increasing persecution of Christians and other minorities in Muslim-majority countries? 


Columnist Kirsten Powers is puzzled by the complacency.  Writing in the Daily

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Keith Getty

The Humanitas Forum — Keith Getty

“‘In Christ Alone’ is well on its way to becoming the ‘Amazing Grace’ of this generation.” 


This remarkable assessment was offered recently by theologian Timothy George in “No Squishy Love,” a column written for the First Things website.

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Bonhoeffer on Protestantism without Reformation…

“Protestantism without Reformation” is how Dietrich Bonhoeffer described the Protestant segment of the American church in the early 1900s.  This description was mentioned by Stanley Hauerwas in “The End of American Protestantism,” the essay introduced in the previous post

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Stanley Hauerwas

The end of American Protestantism…

Theologian Stanley Hauerwas is a contrarian and a provocateur.  His pacifism puts him at odds with most of the Christian tradition.  His pro-life position puts him at odds with many, if not most, of those in his own

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Learning to read in cyberspace…

Some of the most important questions never get asked!  Certain things seem so obvious that we never think to inquire into their nature.  Reading is one of those things.  It’s taken for granted that reading is for

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When is a church like a Swiss Army knife?

The debate about megachurches has been going on for years.  Inside the church, some of the most insightful observations have been offered by theologian David Wells, sociologist Os Guinness, and seminary professor Michael Horton.


Recently, Wired Magazine offered

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Schaeffer 2

Even when the church is a little bit of what it should be, young people will come…

“I don’t think we have to worry about youth.  What we have to worry about is the church.”


When these word were penned in 1970, the “sixties counterculture” was in full bloom.  LSD trips, free love, anti-Vietnam

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Center Church

Why justification by faith is not just about the salvation of souls…

Commenting on the state of sermons coming from contemporary pulpits is a risky business—especially if you’re not part of the preaching guild.


Like lots of people in the pews, many pastors have theoretical commitments to doctrines that never get

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Almost Christian

Will our children have faith? If so, what kind?

Understanding the spiritual lives of American young people is a complicated task.  Much of the discussion has focused on numbers—the number of young people walking away from the Church.  But numbers don’t tell the whole story.  There

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