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Dorothy Sayers

How the loss of doctrine makes Christianity boring…

Dull doctrine has long been blamed for ills of the Christian church.  Some seventy-five years ago Dorothy Sayers responded that the exact opposite is true: “It is the neglect of dogma that makes for dullness.”  In fact, the

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Living at Crossroads

The “unbearable tension” of living at the crossroads…

Should we fit in?  Should we hunker down? Should we retreat?  Should we engage?  How should Christians respond to the challenges of living in a post-Christian culture?  The answers to these questions will be decisive as

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Fool's Talk--2

Evangelizing the apathetic…

Our pluralistic, post-Christian age is “quite simply the greatest opportunity for Christian witness since the time of Jesus and the apostles.”  Yet, Christians have failed to face up to many of the realities of our secular age—especially that our

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Tim Keller-3

Preparing for the big issues facing the church…

From the vantage point of pastoring in Manhattan for some twenty five years, Tim Keller has a distinctive perspective on bringing the Gospel to a diverse secular culture.  He has written about this challenge in several places, most extensively

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J. Budziszewski

Considering the need to evangelize Christians…

There are many “Christians” who have never met Christ.  They grow up in the church.  Their parents are good members of the church, and may be leaders in their congregation.   Dad may be a pastor, or the

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Pew Research Center

The fastest growing religion in the world is …

Pure and simple, the future is the great unknown.  But the Pew Research Center’s “The Future of World Religions” should be taken seriously—given the massive amount of research that went into the report.  In sum, religion is not

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Boghossian-Creating Atheists

Training atheist missionaries: A Manual for Creating Atheists ….

Atheism is “truly Good News.”  As such, it “should not be hidden under a bushel.”  This is only one of the endorsements for Peter Boghossian’s guide to “talking people out of their faith,” A Manual for Creating Atheists

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Question of God--Nicholi

Teaching Freud and Lewis at Harvard (for 30 years)…

Sigmund Freud was the sole subject of the seminar that Dr. Armand Nicholi began teaching at Harvard in 1967.  Student reaction was mixed.  Half of the students agreed with Freud, but the other half disagreed strongly.  The

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The missionary problem of modern culture…

“Privately engaging, socially irrelevant” is how one sociologist describes privatized Christianity.  Things of faith are restricted to the Christian’s personal life.  Faith is left at home and at church and not taken into the public arena.


Religion doesn’t

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Center-Global Christianity-2

Why are we Christians unknown to so many of our non-Christian neighbors?

In the United States, 80 percent of the population self-identifies as Christian.  Yet, an astounding 20 percent of non-Christians in North America do not “personally know” any Christians at all, according to new research published by the Center the

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