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After You Believe - N. T. Wright

Cultivating the virtues, transforming character…

After Virtue is a book title that is descriptive of the time in which we live.  In our day, “The language of morality is in [a] … state of grave disorder,” writes Alasdair MacIntyre.  In other words, we

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Sloth, the besetting sin of our age!

Sloth has been considered one of the seven deadly sins for much of Church history.  It can be described differently when viewed from different angles.  In the world, it can call “itself Tolerance, but in hell it is

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Staying Christian in College-2

Staying Christian in college…

J. Budziszewski has a passion for helping young people maintain a vibrant faith in college.  He knows their challenges first-hand.  As a student, he himself walked away from the Christian faith of his childhood.  Having returned to

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Ken Myers-4

Against dualistic Christianity – the cosmic Lordship of Christ…

Western culture has shaped the church in many ways.  Quite possibly the most “profound and subtle way” is that the church has come to “tacitly and explicitly” accept the dualism that is at the heart of modernity, according to

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Ken Myers-4

Against privatized Christianity – the cosmic Lordship of Christ…

Contemporary Christianity has been shaped profoundly by the modern assumption that all religion is to be restricted to the personal and private realms of life.  Christianity has not disappeared.  Rather, it has been relocated with the result that

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Barry Schwartz

Why all the angst in an age of abundance?

Everyone wants a good, meaningful, and productive life.  Many people think that is just what we have in contemporary American culture.  “Not so,” according to psychologist Barry Schwartz.  If it were true, we would not be experiencing

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Os Guinness--Renaissance

Living in truth, however dark the times…

Anxiety and discouragement and even despondency are reflected in the mood of many Christians these days—as well as anger.  What will happen in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage?  Obviously, religious liberty will become

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Stephen McAlpine

The barbarians and Christian exile (Stage Two)…

The barbarians “have already been governing us for quite some time.”  That’s one of the lessons that Alasdair MacIntyre has tried to teach us—a lesson that for some Christians has been slowly sinking in during the 34 years since

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Consumerism--Oscar Wilde

The cult of consumerism – desire, distract, possess…

G.K. Chesterton wrote that “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”  This pithy observation can serve as a helpful starting point for examining how well contemporary Christianity fares

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Samuel Gregg-2

No God, no reason, no civilization…

Ideas have consequences—especially those ideas about God’s nature.  This fact is evident to anyone paying half-attention to the newly acquired prominence of Islam on the world stage.  Even secular Western culture is shaped by the prominent views of

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