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Ken Myers-4

Against dualistic Christianity – the cosmic Lordship of Christ…

Western culture has shaped the church in many ways.  Quite possibly the most “profound and subtle way” is that the church has come to “tacitly and explicitly” accept the dualism that is at the heart of modernity, according to

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Ken Myers-4

Against privatized Christianity – the cosmic Lordship of Christ…

Contemporary Christianity has been shaped profoundly by the modern assumption that all religion is to be restricted to the personal and private realms of life.  Christianity has not disappeared.  Rather, it has been relocated with the result that

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An Evangelical Manifesto

The Evangelicals – Who they are, what they believe, why it matters…

“Save the E-Word” is the title of a short essay written by the editorial staff of Christianity Today in 2006.  They suggested that it was time to “improve the public perception of evangelicalism.”  But only two years later,

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Nancy Pearcey

Liberating Christians from their cultural captivity…

Nancy Pearcey has, in recent years, become one of our leading Evangelical apologists.  Britain’s Economist called her “America’s pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual.”


Her contribution to the Patheos website’s recent symposium on “Future of Faith in America: Evangelicalism”

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Robert Louis Wilken

Living in hard times — lessons from the early Christians…

Pre-Christian.  Christian.   Post-Christian.  Roughly speaking, these categories outline the major changes in the history of the Western world.  We say “roughly speaking” because the West never became fully Christian.  And even now, it is not

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Barry Schwartz

Why all the angst in an age of abundance?

Everyone wants a good, meaningful, and productive life.  Many people think that is just what we have in contemporary American culture.  “Not so,” according to psychologist Barry Schwartz.  If it were true, we would not be experiencing

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Mere Christianity

The hope of heaven in unsettling times…

Living in unsettling times requires perspective—that is, a focus on heaven rightly understood.  Today’s culture wars are as unsettling as fighting wars and both show how fragile civilization actually is. 


How to maintain perspective—how to keep

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Living by lies … but with no help from me!

It is dangerous to draw too close parallels between one nation’s history and another’s.  But if we are to learn anything from the past, we must pay attention to the parallels that do exist.  We’ve been twice warned.

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Os Guinness--Renaissance

Living in truth, however dark the times…

Anxiety and discouragement and even despondency are reflected in the mood of many Christians these days—as well as anger.  What will happen in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage?  Obviously, religious liberty will become

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Rod Dreher-2

The meaning of ‘post-Christian’ is now clearly defined…

No, the sky is not falling, but things will never be the same again.  Or more precisely, the vulnerability of religious liberty has become unquestionably clear.  Even secular law professors agree. 


The Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision

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