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Pew Research Center

The fastest growing religion in the world is …

Pure and simple, the future is the great unknown.  But the Pew Research Center’s “The Future of World Religions” should be taken seriously—given the massive amount of research that went into the report.  In sum, religion is not

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Boghossian-Creating Atheists

Training atheist missionaries: A Manual for Creating Atheists ….

Atheism is “truly Good News.”  As such, it “should not be hidden under a bushel.”  This is only one of the endorsements for Peter Boghossian’s guide to “talking people out of their faith,” A Manual for Creating Atheists

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Human to Posthuman

When animals and robots become people (2) …

“What does it mean to be human?” is perhaps the most significant question of the 21st century.  Or, asked a bit differently in anticipation of what we might anticipate in what’s called the biotech century, “What is the

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war on humans

When animals and robots become people (1) …

Bill Gates is concerned.  Stephen Hawking is worried.  And Elon Musk warns that artificial intelligence is the “greatest existential threat” facing humankind—“with artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.”  


Sir Clive Sinclair goes even further: 

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Humpty Dumpty

How getting love wrong leads to culture wars…

Humpty Dumpty is alive and well in contemporary culture.  His view of language has escaped the pages of Alice in Wonderland and shapes the most important debates of our day.  “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said,

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Ed Stetzer

Living on the losing side of the culture wars…

The challenge of living in a post-Christian culture is becoming more and more obvious to more and more evangelicals.  The trends show movement away from positions critical to evangelical faith and practice. Evangelicals “must face the reality that we

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Consumerism--Oscar Wilde

The cult of consumerism – desire, distract, possess…

G.K. Chesterton wrote that “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”  This pithy observation can serve as a helpful starting point for examining how well contemporary Christianity fares

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Samuel Gregg-2

No God, no reason, no civilization…

Ideas have consequences—especially those ideas about God’s nature.  This fact is evident to anyone paying half-attention to the newly acquired prominence of Islam on the world stage.  Even secular Western culture is shaped by the prominent views of

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Triumph of Christianity

Early Christianity provided “islands of mercy,” not promises of “pie in the sky”…

“Misery and Mercy” is the title of the chapter where Rodney Stark confronts the accusation by atheists that Christianity caters to the weak and suffering by promising “pie in the sky.”  Yes, he says, it is most often the

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James K. A. Smith

Thinking carefully and theologically about technology…

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us” wrote communications expert Marshall McLuhan in the early 1960s.  His assessment of the various communications media (radio, television, movies, telephones, and computers) was simply, “We become what we behold.”

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