Archive | August, 2012
Living at Crossroads

Living at the crossroads as faithful witnesses…

Should we fit in?  Should we hunker down? Should we retreat?  Should we engage?  How should Christians respond to the challenges of living in a post-Christian culture?  The answers to these questions will be decisive as

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David Naugle-2

David Naugle on living at the crossroads…

There is no such person as an “unbeliever.” There are no “non-religious” people. Though many may claim the contrary, though many may protest such a designation, all people everywhere as living, thinking, feeling and acting persons are persons of faith

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Living at Crossroads

The “unbearable tension” of living at the crossroads…

What time is it in our culture? The moderns say it’s a time of great human achievement.  Science and technology have ushered in an era of great progress.  And they’re right, in many ways.  Postmoderns, however, say

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T. S. Eliot on living at the crossroads…

Some seventy years before Michael Goheen and Craig Bartholomew wrote Living at the Crossroads:  An Introduction to Christian Worldview, the poet and culture critic T. S. Eliot could see the complexities and challenges of living in a modern

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Living at Crossroads

Living at the Crossroads—An Intro to Christian Worldview…

What’s in a worldview?  We all have one.  We all live by one.  Worldviews move the world.  Yet many Christians are unaware of this useful concept and how it can help us sort through the challenges

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Designer Baby

The distorted desires of the designer baby project…

Designer babies! As the name implies, these babies are made to a certain specification—to have certain traits, but not others.


Some of these babies are produced for parents in search of a healthy baby—a baby without a genetic disease.

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Os Guinness

Preparing the Church for a Third Mission to the West…

Is another reformation possible?  The West—Europe and North America—has for some time been aptly described as post-Christian.  Can there be a rebirth of vision and mission that will substantially impact the West with the Gospel?


Focusing more

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Read a book slowly, but mark like crazy!

What to do if a friend wants to borrow a book?  You firmly but gently tell him to buy his own copy.  “You will lend him your car or your coat—your books are as much a part of

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C. S. Lewis

Worth considering…

We may give our human loves the unconditional allegiance which we owe only to God. Then they become gods: then they become demons. Then they will destroy us, and also destroy themselves. For natural loves that are allowed to become

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Revenge-J. Bud

The danger in denying what we can’t not know…

“Things are getting worse very quickly now. The list of what we are required to approve is growing ever longer. … So why do things get worse so fast? It would be well to know, in case the process can

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