Archive | February, 2013
Dorothy Sayers

Creed or chaos?

Ours is an age of anxiety—a time of uncertainty when the fundamental nature of our society is being contested.  The term “culture wars” is often used to describe some of the more prominent flash points.   A woman’s right

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Kapic-Little Book-2

On refusing to divorce theology from everyday life…

Theology, of late years, has been having what is known as ‘a bad press.’  We’re told that theology is dry and academic.  People prefer spirituality to religion.  Doctrine is dull.  Or in the words of one

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The Humanitas Forum – Why and how to study theology…

“Whenever we think or hear or read or say anything about God, we are doing theology.” In this talk, Dr. Kelly Kapic will lead us in a discussion of what theology is and why it matters.  Not only concerned

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Converting the Empire

Should first-time visitors feel out of place in a Christian church?

Pre-Christian.  Christian.   Post-Christian.  Roughly speaking, these categories outline the major changes in the history of the Western world.  We say “roughly speaking” because the West never became fully Christian.  And even now, it is not

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Climbing up in slow spirals to an understanding of life…

“One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world.”  Nothing summarizes the life and work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn better than this Russian proverb, which he included in the speech he wrote on receiving the 1970 Nobel Prize for Literature.

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John R. W. Stott

A primer on how Christians can influence culture…

Christ and culture!  What is the place of Jesus Christ and his followers in this world?  This is the “enduring problem” that H. Richard Niebuhr discusses in his, now classic, Christ and Culture (1951).  Niebuhr’s important and

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Song-Shaped Soul

The song-shaped soul…

“Why do Christians sing?”  This question is, of course, a subset of a larger question, “Why do human beings sing?”  According to the Scottish composer and hymn writer John Bell, “We sing because we can.”  It is something

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