Archive | December, 2013
Tim Keller-2

What makes a good preacher?

Sound, expository preaching is not a “magic bullet.”  It is a necessary but not sufficient requirement for being a good minister of the Gospel.  This is the argument made by Manhattan (New York) pastor Tim Keller.  While

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T. S. Eliot

The Incarnation — Was it birth or was it death?

The passion of Christ is generally though to encompass the final hours of Jesus’s life.  But is that so?  T. S. Eliot’s imaginative poem, “The Journey of the Magi,” suggests that the passion began much earlier. 


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Twitter Addiction

Listening to the pain of a recovering Twitter addict…

What does it profit a man if he gains 130,427 Twitter followers and loses his own soul?  The best person to answer this question is Sammy Rhodes who, in his own words, became “irrepressibly and obsessively hooked” on Twitter.

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Patience--Boy with Squirrel

How we’re wired to be impatient and how one art teacher is resisting…

Technology is not neutral—it wires our expectations.  It enables our desires to be satisfied with ever increasing immediacy.  The two-day delivery of Amazon Prime is not about to become passé.  But like the other giant retailers Walmart

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The Shallows

What the Internet is doing to our minds…

The fate of the book is widely debated, though for some its disappearance is a foregone conclusion.  But what about the fate of a book that discusses the technologies that are displacing the book?  Interestingly, one such book,

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How to buy a $45,000 Smart LED TV from…

James Otis Thach really wanted his own Samsung UN85S9 with its 85” screen—even though the price was a tad steep.  Fortunately, Amazon was ready to help.  They began with a $5,002.00 discount!  Then, they threw in free

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C. S. Lewis-2

C. S. Lewis on the arts, aesthetics, and Christianity…

C. S. Lewis was one of the most effective Christian evangelists of the 20th Century, even when we include preachers like Billy Graham.  Without question, he was the most effective evangelist who used literature as the medium for

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C. S. Lewis

What we can learn from C. S. Lewis about doing apologetics…

In a recent article for Christianity Today, Dr. Michael Ward explains how the combination of reason and imagination makes C. S. Lewis such an effective apologist in our post-Christian era.  It is this combination that enables Lewis to

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Gratitude – Is it possible for modern people to be grateful?

No, not impossible, but it may be rather difficult!  Some eighty years ago, the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset pointed out that we moderns exhibit a “radical ingratitude” toward all that has “made possible the ease of our

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