Archive | May, 2014
Steve Turner 2

What folks worship when taboos are taboo…

In less than four hundred words, poet Steve Turner gives us a helpful survey of the modern mind.  His satirical poem “Creed” details many of the beliefs and practices of those who claim to reject all creeds in favor

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Andrew Root

Community and church as zombie institutions…

Our foundational institutions—the family, the church, the school—have become zombie institutions.  They are alive, but they no longer perform the critical roles they played in the past.


Contemporary culture is liquid, in the words of Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman.

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The missionary problem of modern culture…

“Privately engaging, socially irrelevant” is how one sociologist describes privatized Christianity.  Things of faith are restricted to the Christian’s personal life.  Faith is left at home and at church and not taken into the public arena.


Religion doesn’t

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Let Children Fail

Why it’s important to let children fail…

The family is in bad shape.  Divorce, single parenting, hard economic times, and parents who are overly busy and distracted are a few of the contributing factors. 


The problems of poor parenting gets everyone’s attention—from organizations such

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Peter Leithart--2

The Christian temptation to frustration…

Living out of sync with the ways of our secular age can be vexing!  In one sense, frustration is understandable since cultural momentum favors the secular bent of society.  But frustration can lead to an ineffective and dangerous

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Tacky Dress-Church 2

Stop dressing so tacky for church…

Dress, manners and morals.  Isn’t it possible that we’ve lost something in our current culture of casual?  Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that, with casual as an almost universal guiding principle, we live in an age of “sloppy …

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Dallas Willard

Clarifying and considering pluralism…

Pluralism is an everyday reality.  We meet it when we take our children to soccer on Saturday.  It’s present in our schools.  It’s the backdrop to many of the news stories we hear daily.  Pluralism is

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James Schall

Why silencing Christians will continue…

As moral and social disorders increase, the number of things to “never discuss in polite company” multiplies.  Some of the limitations come from legislation, the so-called hate speech laws.  But many, if not most, of the constraints on

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Chinese Church--1

Will China become the ‘world’s most Christian nation?’

From roughly 1 million members in 1949, the number of Protestant Christians in China has grown to well over 58 million today.  That number is projected to rise to some 160 million by 2025, according to Purdue University sociologist

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