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Robert George

The end of comfortable Christianity…

The moment has arrived!  It is no longer easy to be a faithful Christian witness.  The operative words here are, of course, “faithful” and “witness.”  To be faithful is to be true to the truths of Christianity.

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Boghossian-Creating Atheists

Training atheist missionaries: A Manual for Creating Atheists ….

Atheism is “truly Good News.”  As such, it “should not be hidden under a bushel.”  This is only one of the endorsements for Peter Boghossian’s guide to “talking people out of their faith,” A Manual for Creating Atheists

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Consumerism--Oscar Wilde

The cult of consumerism – desire, distract, possess…

G.K. Chesterton wrote that “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”  This pithy observation can serve as a helpful starting point for examining how well contemporary Christianity fares

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Triumph of Christianity

Early Christianity provided “islands of mercy,” not promises of “pie in the sky”…

“Misery and Mercy” is the title of the chapter where Rodney Stark confronts the accusation by atheists that Christianity caters to the weak and suffering by promising “pie in the sky.”  Yes, he says, it is most often the

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George Herbert

The unmaking of a young atheist…

“I blame George Herbert for me becoming a Christian.”  In language reminiscent of C. S. Lewis, Miranda Threlfall-Holmes tells how the poetry of George Herbert opened the first cracks in her atheistic commitments:  “I realised that this poetry

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James K. A. Smith

Thinking carefully and theologically about technology…

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us” wrote communications expert Marshall McLuhan in the early 1960s.  His assessment of the various communications media (radio, television, movies, telephones, and computers) was simply, “We become what we behold.”

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Living the Secular Life

How American culture produces irreligion…

One third of Americans under 30 are without religious affiliation.  When all adults are considered together, one fifth of all adults have no connection to religion—up from two percent in 1950.


These are the “nones.”  When asked

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Hunger Games-book

The Hunger Games and the Gospel…


 The Hunger Games and the Gospel” is the theme of two talks by Dr. Ted Sherman in The Humanitas Forum on Christianity & Culture, February 13 & 14.  In an effort to better understand popular

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Schaeffer 2

The virtue of listening—because there are no little people…

Hearing is one of our natural senses, but listening is more.  Listening requires focus and attention.  In fact, good listening is just another way of talking.  It speaks clearly—it says, you’re important.  What you have to

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Blaise Pascal--Groothuis

Our spiritual poverty and the hidden God …

Why is God so often silent, so often hidden?  This question, frequently voiced in cries of anguish and despair, has been uttered by numerous believers down through the centuries.


It was recorded in the oldest book in the

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