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True Paradox--Blog 2

How an atheist helped write a book on Christian apologetics…

The New York Times is an unlikely place for a favorable review of a book on apologetics by an Evangelical Christian.  Actually, it’s the apologist and his atheist friend who are reviewed, rather than the book.


David Skeel

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A Little Manual-Knowing--Meek

How do we know what we know?

We all know that we are knowers, but we seldom think about knowing itself.  For the most part, knowing is taken for granted until we encounter some really difficult problem.


What we may need is some “epistemological therapy,”

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Blaise Pascal on presenting Christianity to despisers of religion…

Men despise religion; they hate it and fear it is true. To remedy this, we must begin by showing that religion is not contrary to reason; that it is venerable, to inspire respect for it; then we must make it

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Remembering the Christian Past

Bearing witness to the one true God in a secular age…

The secular assault on the Christianity is, in essence, a project of banishing Christian practice to the private lives of believers.  You can keep your Christianity if you reduce it to ideas, feelings, and experiences.

But the ferocity of

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J. Budziszewski

Evangelizing Christians…

There are many “Christians” who have never met Christ.  They grow up in the church.  Their parents are good members and may be leaders in the congregation.   Dad may be a pastor, or the parents may even

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Rachel Lu

How peppers and summer squash can teach morality…

One of the “joys of dirt” is that many important moral lessons can be learned from gardening.  Gardening can serve as a “kind of moral kindergarten,” according to philosophy teacher Rachel Lu.


Although, she “came late to the world

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John Murray

Why is there so much good in our fallen world?

The answer to this question can be found in the doctrine of common grace.  


Writing during the early years of World War II, Scottish theologian John Murray penned a very helpful exposition of this doctrine, which he introduced

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J. Budziszewski

Sustaining Christian witness in an increasingly pagan culture…


Things seem to be speeding up!  Challenges to the Christian faith are becoming increasingly common in many different segments of our culture—from healthcare to business to education to campus ministry.  Unfortunately, most Christians are not prepared to

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Question of God--Nicholi

Teaching Freud and Lewis at Harvard (for 30 years)…

Sigmund Freud was the sole subject of the seminar that Dr. Armand Nicholi began teaching at Harvard in 1967.  Student reaction was mixed.  Half of the students agreed with Freud, but the other half disagreed strongly.  The

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Beyond the extremes of blessing or bashing popular culture…

In popular culture we live and move and have our being.  This observation by theologian Robert Banks is hard to argue with since American society has very little of what has historically been called high culture.  In agreement,

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