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Os Guinness--Renaissance

How the Church can learn an important lesson from the Vietnam War…

“If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist” is a taken-for-granted axiom of our age.  It is part of everyday thinking as well as a key component in medical and other forms of research.  It has played an

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Confessing pastoral malpractice…

The problem of malpractice is not unique to pastors!  And it’s not unique to the current generation of Christians.  One form of malpractice that was common in the early Church was also at the heart of the reformation

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Bonhoeffer-Youth Ministry

The future of the church isn’t youth…

It’s not what you’d expect from a youth minister:  “Youth enjoys no special privilege in the church-community.”  This line was penned in the late 1930s by the Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who spent most of his pastoral career

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Justin Barnard

Virtues, Vices, and Devices in Family Life

Two revolutions have radically altered the way families think about the meaning of the “home.”  The technological revolution currently extends and broadens the impact of the industrial revolution.  As a result, prevailing family practices create tension with a

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N. D. Wilson

Cool-shaming – how people become our idols of choice…

Shame is a powerful motivator—one of the most powerful!  It hurts to feel inadequate, to feel stupid, to be counted among the uncool.


Most people are willing to pay a significant price—sometimes an enormous price—to avoid being an

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Shopcraft as Soul Craft

Reclaiming the honor of working with our hands…

When a philosopher no longer wants to be a philosopher, he may have several career options.  But motorcycle mechanic is not one that comes readily to mind.


Nonetheless, that is the path taken by Matthew Crawford, who holds

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food & faith

Listening to food – what it tells us about who we are…

Eating is about more than taking on fuel.  Whether we realize or not, eating is a window into our most basic beliefs about ourselves and the world in which we live.


“Human beings don’t just eat to live,”

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Got Religion - 2

Keeping young people in church takes more than technology and a swank coffee bar!

Since its release in May of this year, reviewers have been giving high praise to Got Religion?: How Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues Can Bring Young People Back. 


A broad range of experts insist that Got Religion?

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John Murray

Why is there so much good in our fallen world?

The answer to this question can be found in the doctrine of common grace.  


Writing during the early years of World War II, Scottish theologian John Murray penned a very helpful exposition of this doctrine, which he introduced

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J. Budziszewski

Sustaining Christian witness in an increasingly pagan culture…


Things seem to be speeding up!  Challenges to the Christian faith are becoming increasingly common in many different segments of our culture—from healthcare to business to education to campus ministry.  Unfortunately, most Christians are not prepared to

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