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How to buy a $45,000 Smart LED TV from…

James Otis Thach really wanted his own Samsung UN85S9 with its 85” screen—even though the price was a tad steep.  Fortunately, Amazon was ready to help.  They began with a $5,002.00 discount!  Then, they threw in free

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Ken Myers-3

Papal selection, popular culture, and the crisis of moral authority…

The numerous discussions surrounding the recent election of Pope Francis have been quite telling. Would the new pope come from Europe or possibly from Africa or the Americas?  What about internal Vatican politics—the “curia cardinals” vs. the “reformists”?

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Digital Distraction

Coming to grips with the culture of digital distraction…

The Web gives; the Web takes away.  Blessed is the person who understands how the Web works.


·         It enables 24/7 connections and the possibility of “multitasking.”  It takes away “mindfulness”—the ability to focus on the

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Hiding behind the screen…

The Internet is an integral part of life for most of us.  We send e-mail, we text, we surf, we Skype, we watch YouTube, we buy and we sell.  But do we understand how this computer-mediated world impacts

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Desiring a more fully embodied human existence in a digital culture…

Which is better, the hearty laugh of a friend over a cup of chai, or the “LOL” in a text from the same friend?  There is a difference!  


“Laughing-out-loud” could just be a distracted throw-away line. 

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Ken Myers

Is popular culture either?

“If you want to know what water is like, don’t ask the fish.”  This Chinese proverb could aptly be rewritten, “If you want to know about pop culture, don’t ask the Americans.”  For the most part, it’s

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Dr. Jim Taylor

Popular culture—will parents do what’s best for their children?

Fame, achievement, popularity, image, and financial success—these are the top five values expressed on the popular television shows watched by children ages 9-11.  And other closely related values are high on the list:  ambition, comparison to others, attention

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Drew Trotter

The Movies and America

It has become a commonplace in cultural discussion in the last half century to recognize the power of film as a significant shaper of American society and its values. This popular annual lecture, delivered a dozen or so times a

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A vast conspiracy on your screen?

What to make of television?  The debate began soon after television sets became commonplace in American homes in the 1950s.  It’s been described as the “boob tube” and the “idiot box,” and its content as “chewing gum for

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Sherry Turkle

Starting a conversation about where technology is taking us…

Sometimes people need to change their minds, especially when spurred by additional information, insight and wisdom.  But change requires courage when it requires modifying a public stance.


In April 1996 Sherry Turkle was featured on the cover of Wired

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