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Kids Leave Church-2

A father’s concern: The top 10 reasons kids leave church…

Will our children grow up to believe in Jesus Christ?  Will they live according to the Christian faith?  Or, will they “disengage” from church along with others in the 80-percent who currently drop out between high school and

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Center Church

Rethinking gospel ministry for a secular age…

How do you build a thriving church in one of the most secular metropolitan centers of the world, New York City?  Does it require programs and techniques that appeal to postmodern young adults?  Does it require a certain

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Do you know the people you know?

We all have friends that we don’t know.  And we are all friends to others who don’t know us.  These relationships are casual, rather than intimate—thin, rather than thick.  Perhaps, it’s better to talk of acquaintances instead

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Why does God become insignificant?

Why are there so many who can assent to the essentials of the Christian faith and yet live as if they had never heard the gospel?  Undoubtedly there are many reasons.  But this much can be said with

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Eugene Peterson

Sounding out the idols of the American church…

I don’t want to suggest that those of us who are following Jesus don’t have any fun, that there’s no joy, no exuberance, no ecstasy. They’re just not what the consumer thinks they are. When we advertise the gospel in

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Tim Keller-6

Facing up to the idols of our hearts…

It is impossible to understand your heart or your culture if you do not discern the counterfeit gods that influence them. In Romans 1:21-25 St Paul shows that idolatry is not only one sin among many, but what is fundamentally

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Ken Myers

Is popular culture either?

“If you want to know what water is like, don’t ask the fish.”  This Chinese proverb could aptly be rewritten, “If you want to know about pop culture, don’t ask the Americans.”  For the most part, it’s

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J. C. Ryle

The danger of living in the fog of indecision…

The times require distinct and decided views of Christian doctrine. I cannot withhold my conviction that the professing Church is as much damaged by laxity and indistinctness about matters of doctrine within, as it is by skeptics and unbelievers without.

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How to be worldly…

“God is not only interested in saving souls from the [earthly] city but desires to see the flourishing of the city.”  As Christians, we are citizens of the earthly city and at the same time citizens of the heavenly

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Living at Crossroads

Living at the crossroads as faithful witnesses…

Should we fit in?  Should we hunker down? Should we retreat?  Should we engage?  How should Christians respond to the challenges of living in a post-Christian culture?  The answers to these questions will be decisive as

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